Stoll – Craftsman Collection – Aged Iron Fireplace Doors

Main Frame: 3/16″ Aged Bar Iron
Frame Width: Any | *2″ default
Frame Depth: 3/16″
Powder Coat and Premium Finishes
Mesh Spark Screen
4 -6 Week Production

The Craftsmen Collection of enclosures gives our artisans an opportunity to show their skill and creativity. The goal is to capture the charm and style of metal work created in the days of the blacksmith’s forge while taking full advantage of the quality and precision produced by high-tech laser cutting machinery. Choose from a variety of hammered, distressed, and embellished designs to complement your hearth. The result will be a beautiful fireplace that looks like it has been handed down through generations.

Custom: The frame and construction features of Bar Iron doors allows for almost limitless customization. The main frame, door frames and decorative designs can all be customized to your personal design tastes.

The aged iron effect is created with a two-step hand finishing process. The result is a beautiful patina that replicates the appearance of age and wear associated with years and years of use.

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